10 Success Factors for Literacy Intervention

Are you looking for ways to improve and sustain the success of your MTSS framework in your school?

Do you know how to successfully implement and sustain MTSS?  Or, have you started the MTSS process and faced challenges you weren't expecting?

In 10 Success Factors for Literacy InterventionGetting Results in Elementary Schools, Dr. Hall candidly shares her experience helping school districts across the country successfully implement and sustain effective MTSS processes on their elementary campuses. 

Download our complimentary 10 Success Factors Guide to learn more about the most important factors for achieving MTSS literacy success

The 10 Success Factors Overview is an 8-page booklet that provides highlights from the book and includes the most important factors present in schools that ARE GETTING RESULTS from their literacy MTSS.  

No matter where you are with MTSS, just starting out or fully implemented, 10 Success Factors provides strategies and tips for delivering a continuum of support to match student needs.

10 Success Factors Book Study Bundle



 About Susan Hall, Ed.D.

Dr. Susan Hall, retired CEO and Co-FounderSusan twitter headshot-1.png of 95 Percent Group, is a nationally recognized leader in RTI, data analysis, and reading instruction.  

Dr. Hall has been a nationally certified trainer of DIBELS and LETERS. She is the author of several books including Implementing Response to Intervention: A Principal's Guide; I've DIBEL’d Now What? and Jumpstart RTI: Using RTI in Your Elementary School Right Now. She also co-authored two books with Louisa Moats, Straight Talk About Reading and Parenting a Struggling Reader, as well as LETRS Module 7: Teaching Phonics, Word Study, and the Alphabetic Principle, 2nd Edition.  Her eighth book, 10 Success Factors for Literacy Intervention:  Getting Results with MTSS in Elementary Schools was released by ASCD.

Click here to order a copy of 10 Success Factors for Literacy Intervention:  Getting Results in Elementary Schools from our Web Store. 

 Questions?  Contact us at info@95percentgroup.com