Small Group Structured Literacy Instruction as the Alternative to Leveled Learning Webinar and Discussion
Presented by The Reading League Ohio
You're invited to watch this complimentary, on-demand session featuring Dr. Stephanie Stollar, Founder, Reading Science Academy, Judie Caroleo, Director of Consulting Operations, and Stacey Miller, Ph.D., Regional Account Executive with 95 Percent Group, presented in collaboration with The Reading League Ohio.
What is Structured Literacy? How can adopting this approach improve your instructional practices? How can Structured Literacy instruction be used in place of leveled learning?
During this 3-part session, we uncover the WHY, WHAT, and HOW for moving away from leveled learning to small group structured literacy instruction to improve student outcomes.
The Value of Small Group Instruction
- Features of Structured Literacy instruction with a link to Ohio Dyslexia laws
- How to form groups if you aren’t using leveled books
- What to do in small group if you aren’t using leveled books
The Link Between Diagnostic Assessment and Small Group Structured Literacy Instruction
- Features of diagnostic decoding assessment
- Features of Structured Literacy instruction: what to look for when evaluating or selecting a beginning reading program
- Making a connection to LETRS® training on these topics
School-Based Example of Implementing Small Group Instruction
- Structures that have to be in place (PD, schedule, flexible service delivery)
- School successes and challenges
- Student data/results and next steps
Webinar Facilitator Stephanie Stollar, Ph.D.
Dr. Stephanie Stollar is a part-time assistant professor in the online reading science program at Mount St. Joseph University, and founder of The Reading Science Academy. She is passionate about improving educator knowledge and aligning school systems to prevent reading failure. Her website includes free resources related to many of the topics that will be discussed during the webinar.
Webinar Panelists
Judie Caroleo, is the Director of Consulting Operations, where she leads the Consultant Team in providing professional development and coaching at the state, district, and local level to support the successful implementation of client MTSS and RTI initiatives. Prior to joining 95 Percent Group, she was a certified Regional LETRS® trainer and the Director of Instruction for an organization specializing in the treatment of dyslexia. During her extensive education career, Judie gained experience in classroom instruction, program development, intervention, assessment, and implementing research-based instruction in elementary classrooms.
Stacey Miller, Ph.D., is the Regional Account Executive for 95 Percent Group for Ohio, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Dr. Miller brings over 28 years of experience as an educator and administrator to the session. Her studies in literacy have driven her passion to bring science-based reading instruction to students across the country.
About The Reading League and The Reading League Ohio Chapter

About 95 Percent Group
95 Percent Group is an educational company whose mission is to help educators identify and address the needs of all readers. Using an approach that is aligned with Structured Literacy, the company focuses on providing educators with whole-class and small group literacy solutions as well as developing foundational knowledge about The Science of Reading to deliver research and evidence-based instructional strategies to close skill gaps.
Contact us for more information about this event: info@95percentgroup.com.