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Welcome to the new school year! 

As you review beginning-of-year student reading data, are you noticing foundational skill gaps? Are there deficits that frequently occur across a grade level?  

Common foundational skill gaps noted within a grade level can indicate instructional weaknesses in your current ELA program. This Tier 1 challenge can be proactively addressed by adding evidence-based 95 Phonics Core Program® to your K-5 daily reading block.  

During this webinar, Chief Academic Officer Laura Stewart and Joni Maville, Senior Director of Product Development, will share how 95 Phonics Core Program can be strategically added to close foundational skill gaps and reduce intervention needs. Laura and Joni will be joined by our school partners who will highlight their 95 Phonics Core Program implementation journey, share their results, and provide user insights. 

Key program features to be highlighted include: 

  • Ease of use as grade-level kits include everything you need to begin instruction immediately, no photocopying required! 
  • Structured literacy lesson plans include explicit, systematic, and cumulative instruction with directions that require little to no teacher prep 
  • Evidence-based K-5 core phonics instruction meets ESEA Level 1 requirements
  • Summative Assessments monitor student progress in regular intervals to mastery 
  • Aligned grade-level scope and sequence that builds critical phonics skills for all students 
  • Embedded professional learning to improve teacher confidence and instructional practices 

95 Phonics Core Program is part of our One95 Literacy Ecosystem™, a comprehensive toolkit that includes reading science-aligned resources and instruction across all tiers. 

95 Phonics Core Program Giveaway*

All live webinar attendees will be entered to win a 95 Phonics Core Program grade-level kit. Three lucky winners will be selected to add this resource to their daily reading block! 

Join us and discover how 95 Phonics Core Program builds critical foundational skills to develop strong K-5 readers. 

*Click here for 95 Phonics Core Program Giveaway Rules.

Webinar Registration

Join us for our live event by completing the form. 

Meet your Webinar Facilitators

Laura Stewart

Laura Stewart

Chief Academic Officer, 95 Percent Group

Laura Stewart is an educator and organizational leader. She has served as a teacher, administrator, adjunct professor, and director of numerous professional development initiatives around the country. 

Before joining 95 Percent Group, Laura was the Chief Innovation Officer with The Reading League and the Chief Academic Officer for Professional Development at Highlights for Children. She presents nationally and internationally and is a published author. Laura’s passion is empowering educators to positively impact ALL students and ultimately change the course of literacy achievement in this country. 

Joni Maville

Senior Director of Product Development, 95 Percent Group

As a former first-third grade teacher, K-3 Reading Coach, and K-8 Teaching and Learning Specialist, Joni understands the critical need to close phonics skill gaps as early as possible for all students to help them become joyful, confident readers. At 95 Percent Group, Joni is committed to meeting ongoing instructional needs to improve student outcomes. In the past two years, she was part of the product development team that introduced the Phonemic Awareness Suite, 95 Phonics Core Program®, 95 Phonics Skill Series™: Short Vowels, and the 95 Phonics Booster Bundle®: Summer School 2nd Edition and Tune-Up, and the MSRC Presentation Files.