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EarlyBird takes Dyslexia Screening to the Next Level

Live Webinar recorded on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 | 11:00 AM CST  


Webinar Overview

Are you looking for a dyslexia screener, yet you’re concerned about giving one more assessment?

This 30-minute webinar highlights a dyslexia screener that gives SO much more than a typical dyslexia assessment. EarlyBird can uncover foundational strengths and weaknesses that may otherwise not be revealed. This innovative screener is designed for children ages 4-6 to proactively predict literacy challenges before they become problems.

Based on the work of leading researchers Dr. Nadine Gaab and Dr. Yascov Petscher, EarlyBird’s tablet-based assessment predicts both developmental dyslexia and general reading risk.

Join Susan Hall, EdD, Co-Founder and CEO of 95 Percent Group, Carla Small, Co-Founder and CEO of EarlyBird, and Eileen Catizone, EarlyBird Literacy Specialist as they review the screener and compare assessments on 2 students so you’ll get to see results from a typical screener versus EarlyBird's oral language and phonological processing insights.


Missed us live? Click below to view the complimentary webinar on demand and access the

EarlyBird case study that focuses on a successful, district-wide Kindergarten pilot in ME.

Case Study & Replay


Click below for more information.

EarlyBird Info


For questions about Earlybird, please contact info@earlybirdeducation.com





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